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It is thanks to all of us working together, that a new edition of «La Ligne» is published every season. What a wonderful way to convey the message of
Hope, Faith and Courage” !
The theme of the next issue will be “SPONSORSHIP” , as is currently receiving submissions. Regardless of your abstinence time, do not hesitate to send us your submissions. We assure you that your anonymity will always be respected.
The La Ligne publication is really lacking in English submissions, so PLEASE come forward in support of content for our English readers.
Please submit your recovery-related stories, comments or suggestions
By email to: or by mail to:
“La Ligne”, 1945 Avenue Papineau, Montreal, QC, H2K 4J3

Summer 2024 issue

Winter 2024 issue

To view other issues of «La Ligne» journal clic here…
2019 to 2021, 2022 ou 2023

This document should include the following elements:

• News pertaining to our fellowship (special events and others news);
• Extracts from CA approved literature;
• Shares from CA members.